ECOC 2025
Paper Submission
Call for papers
The technical programme committee invites submission of original, unpublished, clear, accurate, and relevant papers in any of the topic areas listed below. Both oral and poster presentations are welcome.
Accepted contributions will be published as part of the Conference Proceedings and will be available to all conference delegates.
Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.
Author Instructions
- Using the ECOC 2025 paper template is mandatory.
- The maximum paper length is 3 pages plus one extra page for acknowledgements (optional) and references.
- Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format through the submission system.
- Upon submission,
- select the sub-committee (SC) that best describes the technical scope and content of your paper. See all the 11 sub-committee and their descriptions here.
- select your preference for oral or poster presentation. The ECOC technical programme committee is free to choose any presentation type independent of your choice.
- as student: choose if you would like to participate in the competition for the best student paper award (oral and poster). You must be the presenting author.
- provide the complete author list including first and last names, affiliations as well as email addresses.
- Acknowledgement of the submission will be sent to the submitting author only. If you do not receive the email within 24 hours, please contact us at:
- Revised versions of the paper can be uploaded until the submission deadline.
- Submitted papers must be “camera-ready” and cannot be changed prior to publication.
- The ECOC 2025 templates for MS Word and LaTeX can be downloaded here or on the submission site.
ECOC_2025_Word_Template.docx - Papers must fulfill the following requirements:
- Use the provided template and the included styles for formatting.
- The maximum paper length is 3 pages plus one extra page for acknowledgements (optional) and references.
- The complete author list with first and last names including affiliations must be included.
- Corresponding author email address is mandatory. Further email addresses are optional.
- Self-contained abstract with a maximum length of 45 words.
- Appropriate copyright statement following the abstract. ©2025 The Author(s).
- The references should have the format as in the examples given in the template.
- Presenting authors must register to the conference. On-site presentations are mandatory.
- Only the papers that are correctly associated to a registered author will be included in the final programme.
- The full version of the included papers will be published as part of the Proceedings, complete with ISBN reference number and available to all conference delegates and will be submitted for inclusion into VDE Verlag platform, IEEE Xplore and other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.
- Comply fully with the official template.
- Adhere to the rules of good scientific conduct.
- In the title, are concise and avoid abbreviations and acronyms.
- In the abstract, briefly identify the field, the novelty and relevance of the work (≤ 45 words).
- In the introduction,
- clearly state the research topic and its relevance to the community.
- clearly state the state-of-the art.
- Correctly identify the nearest prior state-of-the-art through citations.
- Acknowledge the contributions of other groups to the state-of-the-art through citations.
- Avoid unnecessary self-citations.
- clearly state technical/scientific problem and communicate what is missing to solve it (some call it the “however” paragraph).
- concisely state the novelty or what is solved/shown and give numbers whenever possible (some call it the “in this paper” statement or “claim of novelty”).
- In the main text,
- provide an original solution not previously published in or submitted to journals or other conferences.
- clearly justify implementation choices in consideration of the application requirements.
- provide sufficient details to enable the work to be reproduced by others, including a clear description of structure and principle in addition to the results.
- include quantitative claims, and fair and unbiased comparisons to previous work.
- include quantities with the relevant number of significant digits, units, and errors.
- use the International System of Units (SI), symbols and abbreviations.
- provide a comprehensive discussion of the results.
- directly support the claimed novelty with the presented results and go beyond a simple iteration of previous work.
- Use figures, which are
- either single-column or double-column. Follow the examples in the template as a guideline.
- clear and legible, even after printing in black and white (the use of a vector format is recommended).
- self-explanatory and do not require a reference to the main text to be understood.
- showing graphics or schematics of the investigated devices, setups or configurations.
- correctly labelled on all axes with correct units where applicable.
- Use tables, which are either single-column or double-column. Follow the examples in the template as a guideline.
- In the conclusions, summarise the key ideas and the novelty, and support them by numbers.
- In the reference section,
- provide citations following the style in the examples given in the template.
- give full reference details including all authors, title and full journal or conference name.
- include a reasonable list of references to put your work into context.
Key Dates
Paper submission deadline:
25 April 2025, 23:59 CEsT
Notification to paper submitters: June 2025
Early registration deadline: 7 July 2025
Contributions are requested on the following Sub-committee (SC) Topics:
Read their descriptions here:
- SC 1: Novel fibres, fibre devices and amplifiers
- SC 2: Discrete photonic devices and technologies
- SC 3: Photonic integrated circuits, assemblies and packaging
- SC 4: Signal processing for optical communication and computing
- SC 5: Optical transmission systems
- SC 6: Architecture, modelling and performance of optical networks
- SC 7: Access, indoor and short-reach systems for data centres and mobile networks
- SC 8: Sensing and microwave photonics
- SC 9: Free-space optics and optical wireless technologies
- SC 10: Control and management of optical networks
- SC 11: Quantum communications and quantum computing